If you are looking to take on a charity challenge then please visit our ‘Get sponsored’ page for inspiration and practical advice about how we can help you fulfil your ambition. If jumping out of a plane or covering yourself head to toe in mud at a nuclear race is not for you, then take a look at our A-Z of fundraising ideas which offers a cornucopia of ideas to raise funds and support SNAP.
Whether you have an idea or just the ‘wish’ to do something get in touch with our fundraising team who can help you every step of the way from guidance on getting you started, offer advice on raising awareness on social media to providing SNAP decorations, charity information and collections pots to support your fundraising efforts.
SNAP couldn’t continue its valuable work without the active involvement of the local community and the support from generous people who help to raise funds and help spread awareness of our good work.
Download your SNAP Fundraising Toolkit
Alternatively, get in touch on 01277 245345 or email [email protected].
Here are four easy ways you can help make the difference to SNAP families right now
Follow Us
Helpline: 01277 211300
Email: [email protected]
9.00am until 4.00pm Monday to Thursday
and 9.00am until 3.00pm on Friday.
Volunteer for SNAP
Helping out at our centre or supporting one of our many activities. Find out more »