SNAP is committed to making this website as accessible and easy to use as possible. This website has been designed and built to meet W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Web Content Accessibility AA guidelines. If you have any suggestions or feedback on our website’s accessibility, or have encountered any problems using the site, please let us know.

1. Viewing options

This website has five different viewing options.

  • Standard Version
  • Accessible Version: Black on White
  • Accessible Version: Black on White, no images
  • Accessible Version: White on Black
  • Accessible Version: White on Black, no images

For screen reader software users, we recommend you to choose either of the text only viewing options, as these options are optimised for the screen reader software. The text only versions fits the maximum width of your browser and is the best choice if you want to change the font size on the website.


2. Font re-sizing

To change the font size on this website, either choose an accessible version or modify your browser settings.

To change your browser settings, select “View” from your browser’s toolbar, choose “Text Size” and the sub-menu appears with the text size options. Choose a larger size than your current option (marked with a bullet point).

3. Headers and links

This website uses headers and links as much as possible to enable the use of audio equipment.


4. Training our web contributors

We will be running inhouse training course for everyone who uploads content on our website. Participants will take part in an accessibility and Search Engine Optimisation session so they understand our legal, moral and practical responsibilities towards users with disabilities and how to write content for the web. The objectives of this are as follows:

  • To make the language of the text plain and easy to understand so that the pages have good readability
  • To make the text of links adequately meaningful so that their target is clear when they are read out of context
  • To give images more appropriate alternative text so that the information they contain is conveyed to those who cannot see them
  • To ensure all of our pages use as many headers as possible to be picked up on audio/visual equipment and aid readability.
  • To add a feedback link on every page so users can send their comments on accessibility or any other issue.

Follow Us

Helpline: 01277 211300

Email: [email protected]

9.00am until 4.00pm Monday to Thursday
and 9.00am until 3.00pm on Friday.

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