Informing you online

SNAP shares a wide range of information with parents and carers, enabling you to give the best possible help to your children. Get online now to find out more.

SNAP’s primary aim is to inform parents and carers, so that they can grow in strength and knowledge and become better equipped to give the best possible help to their children. There is a wide range of online resources that can be accessed right here, right now! 

Online Directory

Researched and produced by SNAP to benefit everyone in Essex concerned with the welfare of children and young people with special needs and disabilities, our Online Directory provides a comprehensive guide to useful contacts to point you in the right direction. Developed over SNAP’s 25 year history, entries in the directory have been identified during the course of our everyday work as a charity supporting families who have children with disabilities.

Information Network

Updating you with current information that SNAP receives about social opportunities, events, updates relating to benefits or provision and much more, relevant to specific age groups of children and young people with additional needs and disabilities.


SNAP has a specialist library of books and resources with a range of easy reference information sheets on an extensive list of topics that can be emailed to you on request.


SNAP has brought together a wide range of useful articles from a range of helpful organisations, parents’ own experiences and information that SNAP would like to share with families.


Whether you need specific information or just a listening ear, our helpline is available between 9.00am until 4.00pm Monday to Thursday and 9.00am until 3.00pm on Friday.

Survival Guides

Tips and ideas for making the sometimes difficult periods in the year a little easier and less stressful for all the family, along with useful information about activity programmes provided by relevant organisations.

“Fantastic organisation, can’t praise them highly enough. The staff are so friendly, welcoming and knowledgeable. The service and support they offer is excellent. Our family would be lost without them.”

Follow Us

Helpline: 01277 211300

Email: [email protected]

9.00am until 4.00pm Monday to Thursday
and 9.00am until 3.00pm on Friday.

Volunteer for SNAP

Helping out at our centre or supporting one of our many activities. Find out more »