Get Your 25th Anniversary Piggy Banks

Help SNAP commemorate our 25th Anniversary this year by giving one of our special piggy banks a good home and saving your silver, or any coins really, to help fund our vital Specialist Talks which empower parents.

Collect your piggy and certificate from The SNAP Centre reception, or if you already have one, bring them back in and we can bling them up! It’s a squeally easy way to raise funds for SNAP.

Having a child with any special need or disability can often be daunting, and the amount of information online can be confusing. With your help 25th Anniversary Pigs will raise money to support vital Specialist Talks which empower parents.

Keep your anniversary pig at home, or in the workplace, and fill it with silver (bronze or gold) coins. Once your piggies belly is full, either empty him yourself, or drop him into The SNAP Centre where he will be emptied and returned to continue it’s important work.

This easy way to start fundraising for SNAP will help to make a difference, even a few pounds in your ‘Anniversary Piggy Bank can help fund these vital talks.

If you’d like to support SNAP, pick up a 25th Anniversary Pig from The SNAP Centre; they are ready and waiting for a new home. If you are already the proud supporter of one of our piggies bring him or her into The SNAP Centre and we can give them an Anniversary makeover.

Our Specialist Talks are essential for parents, empowering them so that they can give the best possible care to their children

“The talk was life changing. It gave me so much more insight to what my child may be thinking, seeing and feeling. His behavior is a little less daunting for me now.”


“Thank you for putting these sessions on. They are rewarding on so many levels.”


“Could have listened to the speaker for hours. I used some of the strategies this evening with my child and we had the best evening we have ever had.”


“The talk was invaluable to me. I left feeling less like my daughter’s difficulties are unique, and I feel stronger. I thank SNAP for that.”


“Really helped to understand from my child’s perspective how he experiences the world and why he reacts and behaves in certain ways.”


“It made me realise we are doing more than a good job. This will give me more confidence going forwards with, especially, school decisions.”

Professionals and parents gaining from SNAP’s varied training

SNAP organises a unique and diverse calendar of parent and professional talks and events. These range from workshops aimed at supporting parents with a specific issue such as their child’s social skills, to courses supporting milestones such as starting school, to large specialist talks on a specific diagnosis or issue.


Good planning is key

Kate Batson, Information and Admin Manager, explains how SNAP organises the specialist talks each year.

“At the start of each term our Family team get together to discuss and share ideas about potential sessions. We try to focus on topics that are frequently mentioned by families as being areas they want to learn more about, or require some extra support with. Throughout the calendar year, we aim to cover a variety of topics and are always on the lookout for new ideas.”


The workshop day buzz

“There’s always such a great atmosphere in The SNAP Centre on the day of a training event, especially if we are hosting more than one

talk throughout the day. The SNAP team is always excited to hear the speaker share ideas, as it’s a chance for us to learn too. One of our primary aims is to provide support to parents, and these events are such a crucial part of making this happen.

“SNAP specialist talks are a great way to inform and empower parents, providing them with useful tips and ideas that can be tried at home.

“They are also a safe place for parents to share their experiences and ideas, while providing support to one another, knowing they are not alone. Our team of parent advisers are also on hand to answer any questions parents may have following the training.”


A resource for education specialists

Gaynor Wilson is Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning Co-ordinator at St. Martin’s Senior School in Brentwood, and has been an admirer of SNAP for 25 years.

“Over the years I have been to many of SNAP’s specialist talks and found each one invaluable to me in my working role as a SEAL Co-ordinator. Throughout each year they cover a diverse


range of topics and the content of each session  is always pitched exactly right for the audience.

“When the talk has finished the SNAP team are always available and I like to ensure I am able to catch up with the team and discuss the information provided. I am able to return to the school and cascade all this invaluable information to my colleagues.”

“SNAP never forgets that the parents are the experts of their own children. But SNAP are experts in their field, and the comprehensive information delivered through their sessions offers a supportive and encouraging role and that is priceless.”

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Helpline: 01277 211300

Email: [email protected]

9.00am until 5.00pm Monday to Thursday
and 9.00am until 3.00pm on Friday.

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