If you have a child between 0 – 25 years who has any additional need or disability and you live under Essex County Council, Thurrock or Southend local authorities then we are here for you and your family.

No formal diagnosis or professional referral is necessary to access SNAP services.

Registered Charity Number: 1077787

Need our Support?

SNAP informs, encourages and supports parents and carers, enabling you to provide the best possible help to your children via a range of online resources, together with activities and services at our centre

Explore Our Directory

A comprehensive online guide of useful contacts for the benefit of everyone in Essex concerned with the welfare of children and young people with special needs and disabilities

Information Network

Useful information for families on social and training opportunities, events and useful articles, sorted by age relevance and updated fortnightly


Our calendar is packed with events – social, community and personal challenges – which rely on the support of you, your family and friends; your participation means a lot

Get Involved

Get Involved

Your support means we can continue to provide vital activities and services which help local families; see how you can make a difference

Contact SNAP’s Fundraising Team on 01277 245345.

Natalie’s story

Issues around your child’s eating?

Take a look at our SNAP information sheet on eating for tips and advice.

Recent News

Follow Us

Helpline: 01277 211300

Email: [email protected]

9.00am until 5.00pm Monday to Thursday
and 9.00am until 3.00pm on Friday.

Volunteer for SNAP

Helping out at our centre or supporting one of our many activities. Find out more »