The value of being a SNAP Volunteer

Volunteering for SNAP is a really rewarding experience bringing many benefits to both the charity and to the individual themselves. With more than 120 volunteers, of all ages, SNAP offers a stepping stone to future employment or other pursuits.

One young volunteer who helped out in activity sessions commented:

Volunteering at SNAP has helped me to decide upon a career path in Occupational Therapy, having observed one expert OT at SNAP and speaking to parents about the significant difference an OT has made upon their child’s life. I have decided that is something I would like to become.

This young volunteer has since gone on to become an Occupational Therapist in a paediatric ward in a hospital in London.

“I have gained a wider understanding of different types of conditions and disabilities and how they can be helped. My confidence has also developed through volunteering at SNAP through learning to cope with difficult situations.”

“I feel I have developed a variety of skills whilst volunteering. I have learnt how to communicate and interact with a variety of different people. And learnt how I need to adjust myself in accordance to who I am with to help them.”

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Email: [email protected]

9.00am until 5.00pm Monday to Thursday
and 9.00am until 3.00pm on Friday.

Volunteer for SNAP

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