IT Suite

The IT suite is available for parents and their children and young people to use during our regular sessions, while volunteers will be on hand to assist and advise on how to use the equipment.

SNAP’s specialist IT suite is equipped with a number of iPads and two touchscreen computers.  Our iPads have hundreds of interesting apps for children and young people of all abilities.  The computers also have specially designed keyboards and mice to aid the development of traditional IT skills.  The software we use ranges from simple early years cause and effect programmes to introduce children to technology, through to programmes that help improve communication and life skills in an educational and enjoyable way.

We also have programmes that are switch accessible and a range of switch toys and accessories for everyone to get the most out of technology.

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Email: [email protected]

9.00am until 4.00pm Monday to Thursday
and 9.00am until 3.00pm on Friday.

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