Specialist Talks

SNAP organises a unique and diverse calendar of specialist talks and events for parents and professionals. These include large presentations, workshops aimed at parents of children with particular difficulties or to help with a specific issue, and parent courses of more than one session, focusing on a specific diagnosis or issue.

SNAP is pleased to offer the opportunity to access some of our Specialist Talks via online webinar. These will take place via the Zoom app.

During Zoom webinars you will be able to see and hear the speaker but you will not be seen or heard. Questions can be submitted prior to and during the event.

(download Zoom to your computer from https://zoom.us/download or to your device via the App Store or Google Play).

We appreciate that the rise in the cost of living has impacted families with children with additional needs more than most, and do not want a family’s financial situation to be a barrier to accessing services. Please contact SNAP to discuss payment if this is impacting on you accessing our talks by emailing [email protected].

Brighter Futures

The SNAP Centre Pastoral Way, Warley, Brentwood, United Kingdom

Six Part Course For Parents of Primary Aged Neurodivergent (autistic/ADHD) Children with Kathryn Miller


Sold out: Coffee Morning with an Occupational Therapist

The SNAP Centre Pastoral Way, Warley, Brentwood, United Kingdom

Join OT Aaron Preston who will be on hand to answer any questions, give some informal advice and help wherever he can with anything OT-related.

Wills & Trusts with Birketts

Zoom , United Kingdom

Natasha, Senior Associate from Birketts, will host a live webinar to discuss the importance of Wills and Trusts.


Coffee Morning with a Physio and OT

The SNAP Centre Pastoral Way, Warley, Brentwood, United Kingdom

This session will be jointly hosted by Aaron from The Great Little OT Practice and Neil from Mini Wonders Physiotherapy.

Coffee Morning with an Occupational Therapist

The SNAP Centre Pastoral Way, Warley, Brentwood, United Kingdom

Join OT Aaron Preston who will be on hand to answer any questions, give some informal advice and help wherever he can with anything OT-related.

“Thank you for organising this great workshop – I found it very useful and it was also comforting to be amongst people in similar situations as it can feel quite isolating at times. I could have happily stayed all day.”

Follow Us

Helpline: 01277 211300

Email: [email protected]

9.00am until 4.00pm Monday to Thursday
and 9.00am until 3.00pm on Friday.

Volunteer for SNAP

Helping out at our centre or supporting one of our many activities. Find out more »