Parent Time
14th March 2018
Following the success of previous Parent Time training groups, SNAP was delighted to be able to host another session on Wednesday 14th March 2018. Parent Time is an opportunity to bring together parents of children who have recently transitioned from pre-school services into primary school, and are looking to share their experiences, build friendships, and learn from others. During this session, SNAP was thrilled to be joined by a Specialist Sensory Occupational Therapist, who discussed sensory behaviours and supporting strategies with the 13 parents who attended.
The informal discussion was led by several members of the SNAP Family Team, who engaged in conversations around Sleep Strategies, Calming Activities for after school, and Sensory and Movement breaks. A hot topic of discussion was the Zones of Regulation program, which is being introduced by teachers and support staff in school, helping young people to identify their feelings and provide clear strategies to support them. Following this discussion, The SNAP Team has decided to host a Zones of Regulation training session later this year. More details will follow soon.
If you are looking for information or reading material on any of the topics mentioned above, our SNAP Specialist Library has a variety of resources that can be emailed out to families on request. If you would like more details, please email [email protected].
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