Friday 30th August 2024

Join Chicken & Frog for an in-conversation event via Zoom with journalist and author Clara Tornvall.
Here’s a little about Clara’s new book:
A playful guide to understanding the ways of ‘normal people’, The Autist’s Guide to the Galaxy flips our usual scripts about neurodiversity. Following on from her internationally successful memoir, The Autists, Clara Törnvall has written a fun, comprehensive, and accessible explanation of neurotypical, or ‘normal’, behaviour. Full of facts, tips, and tests, and developed with input from other autists, this book places the difficulties autists face in the context of a world built for the neurotypical majority.
It will help neurodiverse people — and their families, friends, and loved ones — navigate this world, nurture stronger relationships, and thrive.
Find out more here
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