Essex Young Carers Service
Offers free personalised support to young carers and their families that will be developed with you around your need for help and the caring you do.
Essex Young Carers service provides support across Essex to Young Carers aged 0-24 caring for someone in the family home, including a parent/carer or sibling with a long term illness, disability, mental health issue or drug and alcohol misuse. The service offers free personalised support and interventions that will be developed with the Young Carer around their individual needs.
This includes;
Completing the statutory government assessment around their caring needs
The allocation of a key worker for 6-8 weeks of personalised support in the family home, including looking at relieving their caring pressures
Confidential one to one support, in the form of school, home or community visits and telephone/email contact
Training opportunities
Significant respite opportunities for time away from the caring role
The service can be accessed by completing an online referral form on their website.
Families or young carers themselves can self-refer or a referral can be made by professionals including GPs, NHS staff, Social Workers and Teachers.